Corporate services

When you’re running a business, there just aren’t enough hours in the day. You’ve put time, dedication, and determination into building your business. Not surprisingly, the more it succeeds, the more complex financial management becomes.

And businesses are demanding – sometimes at the expense of your own financial wellbeing, or that of your employees. We also make sure that we look after you as the Company Director. The more you achieve at work, the more you may earn – and managing that extra money can become more complex too.

You could do with a helping hand to take the pressure off and give you some peace of mind.

Our Corporate Services are designed to make sure you have all aspects of managing company finances covered; from auto-enrolment, scaling up tax-efficiently, to planning your exit strategy.*

Careful planning for the long-term is key to managing your finances confidently. Our specialised Corporate Services will help you achieve that.

Let’s get the right plans in place. That way, we will help to build and protect everybody’s financial wellbeing.

As a Company Director or business owner, it’s your responsibility to understand the pension provisions you need to make for your staff. We can help make everything clearer for you.

Pension Reform - your obligations

As a Company Director or business owner, it’s your responsibility to understand the pension provisions you need to make for your staff. We can help make everything clearer for you.

Corporate Planning

A large part of corporate financial planning is about protecting your company from a range of risks.


We will take the time to understand what your aims are as a shareholder and clearly explain what opportunities you and your fellow shareholders may have to realise the market value of your shareholdings.

Employee benefits

An attractive employee benefit strategy is a powerful tool to recruit and retain the very best people.

Corporate pensions

We have a full range of corporate pension solutions that will provide yourself and your employees with tax-efficient income after you stop working.

Tax mitigation

Nobody wants to pay more tax than they have to, and we will work closely with you to bring that tax bill down.

Exit strategy*

A well-planned exit strategy over several years will add value to your business, present it in the best possible light to potential new owners, and allow you to exit as quickly and smoothly as possible, when the time is right.

The value of an investment will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

The levels and bases of taxation, and reliefs from taxation, can change at any time. The value of any tax relief depends on individual circumstances.

*Exit strategies may include the referral to a service that is separate and distinct to those offered by St. James’s Place.